Saturday, January 29, 2011

x games and pow in windsor?!

so it's been a few weeks and a busy christmas season, but now it's time to ride. windsor isn't notrious for having a good season so to see fresh snow, let alone any snow on the ground, it's hard for us here at elements not to get geeked. the weather's been great for riding and obviously biz too, but one of the high points of this season is our ability to ride locally. it never happens! and especially not fluffy stuff like we've seen. some of us have gone out and hit the local garbage dump aka. only hill in windsor. but it's been fun because we even got to take out a banshee bungee.
this thing will rip you! you'd be surprised how quickly everything unhittable suddenly becomes hittable. actually it will rip you so hard it's difficult to keep control the first two times. i had this thing overshoot me on a booter and im still sore in the ass from it! oh well, i'll live. check out some of our crappy local riding right here -!/video/video.php?v=478913916740

all this talk about our local shitty riding makes me think of how nice it would be to be in colorado and witness the x games first hand this year. guys goin bigger than ever! horgmo just went triple cork...unbelievable. check it out!

here's the link -

wow these guys are pushin the limits. im sure we can all be that good someday lol